I Haven’t Asked This!!!

Like the title says, this file is a deprogram file. It will help you to get rid off all unwanted suggestions in your mind.

The original script is from Miss Tira (so yes one of my other personas). As she doesn’t speak, she has insisted on me recording it, and you cannot say no to someone living into your head or they become annoying XD

Still it is a very good script which I think may help you.

Use stereo headphones and enjoy!

From French To English And From English To French

From French To Enlgish And From English To French Description: {french to english} se fichier a pour but de vous aidez a progresser en anglais bien plus rapidement que vous ne pourriez l imaginer , liminal et subliminal y sont incorporé , le subliminal et utiliser depuis des année par les agence gouvernemental pour apprendre différent langage plus rapidement a leur espion , aujourd’hui , aprend l’anglais comme un espion {english to french} this file has for goal to helping you to learn or improve your french more faster than you would ever imagine , liminal and subliminal are used into this file , the subliminal is used since many years by few gouvenemental agency for learning different language to their spy , today learn the french like a spy

Resistance Dissolver

MissEleanor: Just for those who doesn’t know it, You may happen consciously to have a desire different from your subconscious mind and by the way your subconscious mind will build a wall against this desire you may have, For an example, always wished to be a bimbo but no bimbo files does work on you? Or whatever may be your desire you tried everything and your subconscious keep blocking every suggestion? This file is made for you, Listen to it in a loop with a stereo headphone, you can listen to it while doing other things

Upgrade Your Programing

For one time, something new!

This file isn’t erotic hypnosis. And while the name sounds drone-ish I admit, it’s mostly because, as you’ve probably noticed, I do love drone stuff.

But this file could have been named “Improve Yourself,” because that is what it is about. It’ll push you to eat more healthy, to do more exercises, to avoid the toxicity of things like cigs and alcohol, to learn a new thing every day, and forbid you from procrastinating.

Hope you will enjoy 🙂

FtM Subliminal Self Help

This file is a self help subliminal file made especially for the transgender who cannot afford a HRT or who for a reason or another cannot begin a hormonal treatement, You can listen to it while doing other things or while sleeping, Use it at least once a day, Wear a stereo headphone, The first result should be behavioral after the first 2 weeks and the physical change will begin after the first month (Warning, this file isn’t for entertainement and should be considered very seriously)